
domingo, 21 de junho de 2015

I Can Feel You...

You're far away,
but, I can feel you.
You exist in my every breath,
in every beat of my heart,
adding a spectacular sizzle
in all the right places.
Even when I close my eyes,
I see your face and feel
the fire of your caress.
Your presence is a tangible thing...
yet as hard to grasp as the air.
I reach for you,
but you elude me.
Still, I can feel you;
the softness of a petal,
a warm wind on my cheek,
a ray in my vision,
a distant light that
ever draws me near.

- Bobette Bryan

2 comentários:

  1. Adoro seu blog ! Estou a seguir !
    Pode seguir o meu e ficar a par de tudo ?Caso quiser : garotaddp.blogspot.pt
    Desculpa o spam e parabéns (pelo blog)...

    1. Fico muito feliz que você goste! Obrigada pelo carinho.
      Claro que vou te seguir também. :D
      Beijão. Volte Sempre!

